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How often does my septic system need pumped?

You should have your tank pumped every 3 years under normal usage, and we recommend pumping annually if you use a garbage disposal. 


What is the most common indicator that my septic system might be failing?

If you notice large pools of waste water around your septic tank or absorption field, then you are most likely experiencing septic trouble and should call us immediately. 


What items are flushable?

Just toilet paper.  Never flush tampons, condoms, cigarette butts, diapers or baby wipes down your toilet.  They do not decompose. 


Can I flush expired medication?

Although flushing expired medication down your drain is a common method of disposal, it can be very harmful to your septic system.  Anything that can kill the natural living bacteria in your septic tank will shorten the life expectancy of your system. 


Do over-the-counter septic treatment products work?

Most of the products on the market can enhance bacterial growth as advertised, but they do not replace the need to have your septic pumped regularly.  These products will not be successful in repairing a failing system either. 


If I look inside my septic tank, how do I know if it is too full?

The water level should be approximately 2" below the inlet pipe as it enters the tank.  If you observe clear or grey water without a layer of scum (live bacteria) growing on the surface, your tank is not functioning properly and is headed for total septic failure. 

Have a different question? Send us an email or give us a call!

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